The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network
The Toa are a team of six heroes who wear elemental masks. They are guardians of Okoko who according to the Prophecy of Heroes, chose six worthy people from El Kadsre and come to Okoto to claim the Masks of Power to become the "Masters" of their respective elements and to defeat the swarm of Skull Spiders, all under the guidance of the Protectors.
The Toa would face many enemies during the quest to the ruins of the Mask Maker City to find and resurrect Ekimu, including the Lord of the Skull Spiders and the horde of Skull Spiders and the Skull Raiders led by Kulta, whose mission is to resurrect Makuta. As the Toa fought against the high-ranking members of the Skull Raiders; Vhakar the Skull Slicer and Korvax the Skull Basher, the Toa used their elemental powers to resurrect Ekimu.
The Toa rushed to the Great Forge to stop Kulta, the leader of the Skull Raiders from destroying the Mask of Creation. However, Kulta put on the Mask of Creation at the last second and knocked down the Toa at the single blow. Although powerless, the Toa distacted Kulta by throwing themselves at him, giving Ekimu enough time to remake his Hammer of Power and used it to knock off the Mask of Creation from Kulta's face, defeating him.
After the humiliating defeat of the Skull Raiders, Ekimu deemed the Toa worthy of being heroes of Okoto. However, the journey isn't over because Makuta wasn't finished yet. The dark hunter born from the shadows named Umarak was sent to take down one of the Elemental Creatures to lead them to the Labyrinth of Control to retreive the Mask of Control. Therefore, the Toa were upgraded with Unity Armor, becoming "Uniters" and were sent on the quest to find the Elemental Creatures, so they would lead them to the shrine to claim the Golden Masks of Unity, allowing them to unite with their respective creatures and gain greater power and retreive the Mask of Control to destroy it so Makuta would not get his hands on it.
Would the Toa succeed in getting the Mask of Control and defeat Umarak?
There are six Toa. Each one has its own page for you to learn more about.
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