The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network
Welcome to the official fan forums of Bionicle: The Journey to One! Here, you can access the fan forums where you can talk to friends on the internet about Bionicle. Alternatively, you can access the Bionicle or Technic Heroes IRC chats. Before accessing the forums, you must read the CHAT GUIDELINES.
The official Bionicle and Technic Heroes IRC chats can be accessed with any IRC chat client and it can be found at the El TV Kadsre IRC server (
#bionicle - For topics about Bionicle: The Next Generation and Bionicle: The Journey to One
#technic-heroes - For topics about the broader Technic Heroes franchise (including the original Bionicle films).
CURRENTLY ONLINE: 32 members | NEWEST MEMBER: umothatrucka46
Copyright ©1996 El TV Kadsre Television Network, An MCA Company. TECHNIC HEROES and BIONICLE are trademarks of El TV Kadsre and Technic Drinks, Inc. All rights have been reserved.
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