The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network
As the six Toa landed in parts of Okoto from their respective stars via comets, they were guided by their respective protectors to claim the Golden Masks of Power through the toughest regions of Okoto. As they braved the Okoto's wilds, the Toa reached to their Golden Masks of Power while the Protectors hold off the horde of Skull Spiders. As the Toa put on their respective Golden Masks of Power, they become the Masters of their repective elements and defeated the horde of Skull Spiders. The Protectors then told the Toa to band together to fight evil as they can't do it alone.
The Toa gathered around after they were teleported back to El Kadsre. As they encounter the Lord of the Skull Spiders, each Toa tried and fail to defeat the Lord of the Skull Spiders on their own. After realising that the Lord of the Skull Spiders could be defeated if they learn to work together, the Toa unleashed a barrage of attacks that overwhelmed the Lord of the Skull Spiders. The Lord of the Skull Spiders fell to its death after Onua destroys the bridge beneath the Lord. As they have visions from me where I congratulate them on their victory and implore them to head to the Oza Islands where the ruins of Okoto lie and find my body.
As they tried to find the nearby airport, they met Patty John, a farmer with the private airport who was kind enough to take the Toa an airlift to the Oza Islands. When they arrived at the ruins of Okoto, they were ambushed by a horde of Skull Warriors, who were knocked from their vantage point by Lewa before the rest of the team finished them off. They fought off the other high-ranking Skull Warriors such as the Skull Slicer, a former sporting champion who took Lewa's Golden Mask, the horde of Skull Scorpios in which one of them took Pohatu's Golden Mask and the Skull Basher, a second in command who took Onua's Golden Mask.
After they fought the Skull Army, they went inside my tomb where they find my body and through their masks, I told them to use their elemental powers to awaken me. As I rise from my slumber, I berate the Toa for arriving too late as Kulta, a Skull Grinder who serves my brother, just claimed the Mask of Creation and was about to destroy it, but changed his mind at the last second as soon we entered the Forge where it was the only place the Mask of Creation could be destroyed and instead, put it the Mask onto him. Empowered by the mask, Kulta knocked down all six Toa in the single blow, damaging their Golden Masks of Power. However, the Toa didn't give up despite being weakened and outmatched and they rallied themselves long enough to disrupt Kulta's progress. If it wasn't for the Toa's efforts, I wouldn't had enough time to recreate my Hammer of Power. I used the Hammer to knock the Mask of Creation off from Kulta and put it on myself.
Now with Kulta's Skull Army defeated, I reforged the Toa's Golden Masks of Power and commended them for proving their worthiness to me. If anything happens that threaten the existance of Okoto, I will need the Toa to counter it because there's still much for them to do.
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