The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network
Welcome, traveller!
I am Ekimu, the Mask Maker. As you may already beware, our great ancient civilization of Okoto, is threatended by evil. Six mighty heroes known as the "Toa", have fallen from their respective stars to battle the forces of darkness led by my brother Makuta and save Okoto from destruction.
I'm sure you have questions. How did it all started? Let me explain how the evils of my brother began with ambition.
Thousands of years ago, I ruled Okoto together with my Makuta. It was a time of peace and harmony. The masks we made shaped the lives of those who wore them, but I never realised how would my brother try to outshine me. So Makuta chose to broke our most fundamental laws and merged elements into masks. He hoped by making miracles.
Makuta tried to show the civilization of Okoto that he was more than a simple mask maker. But combining two elements into the single mask only bought disaster. Makuta should've stopped by then, but he didn't. Even I warned him to stop, he ignores me. So hungry was my brother for power, Makuta crossed as many boundries as he could by making the mask that merges all of the elements into one, which eventully became known as the "forbidden mask".
As he took his new mask to the capital, Makuta hoped the power of his new mask would allow him to rule the planet like a god, hellbent on world domination. The time knew it was not be so, the prophecy have told it all. If my brother had been pure of heart, the power would've affected him differently. But the mask's powerful alcomy turned my brother's envy bitterness into pure evil. I did I would had to do. The power of the mask tore the hold between out world and the Shadow Realm.
The city and my brother was drawn into that realm where they remained there to this very day. Then it was gone, and our world is as he founded as it is now. Was his saddest of all that is was all told from prophecy.
And then, after thousands of years, darkness arrived, where the Skull Spider, guided by my brothers's evil spirit, overrun the remains of Okoto, which now lie in the Oza Islands, where they search for the Masks of Power. In despiration, the Protectors retreat to the remains of the Temple of Time to recite the Prophecy of Heroes, as learned in the ancient times from my body.
The Protectors says about the prophecy, "When times are dark and hope seems lost, the Protectors must unite, one from each tribe. Evoke the power of past and future, and look to the skies for the answer. When the stars align, six comets will bring six timeless heroes to claim the Masks of Power and find the mask maker. United, the elements hold the power to defeat evil. United, but not one."
It was the power of the prophecy that made the spirits of the Toa consisting of master of fire Tahu, master of ice Kopaka, master of water Gali, master of the jungle Lewa, master of stone Pohatu and master of earth Onua, chose six people from El Kadsre; Akira Ishikawa, Harold Colt, Brittney Gray, Dennis Kingsley, Akio Hayashiand Susumu Moto as their human hostsand rain down upon Okoto within comets, with their destiny to save Okoto from evil.
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