The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network
Patty John is a hospitable farmer who is a retiree and lives in his farm in the rural areas of West Vicnora. He used to work as a pilot in Romrac airport for thirty years, but his skills of flying a plane hasn't faded away. He likes growing his vegetables for himself and the visitors to eat. He even has his own private airport near his house, which had his very own Douglas DC-3 private jet.
Patty helped the Toa with their quest to travel to the ruins of the Mask Maker City to find and revive Ekimu by flying them to the Oza Islands in his private jet. As much as Patty didn't like fighting, he doesn't like the Skill Raiders and he would run away from them before they have a chance to attack him.
Patty John was portrayed by the late Charlie Bennett, a American soilder-turned actor with a sense of humor and can pull a funny face by popping his eyes out.
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