The official website of El TV Kadsre Television Network



Kosuke Abe is a executive assistant to the CEO of Unarac Computers. He is a young, dedicated professional who prides himself to his efficiency and discretion. A perfectionist by nature, he ensures that the daily operations of Unarac Computers run smoothly, managing everything from corpotate meetings to high-profile negotiations. Though often reserved, he possesses a sharp analytical mind and an innate curiousity that sometimes leads him to question things that don't add up.

Abe has been working closely with Harvey Nelsen, who finds him enigmatic. However, his employer's intense secrecy amd erractic schedule makes him difficult to track, often vanishing in various time periods from hours to even weeks. Abe's curiousity piqued when Nelsen was absent for extended periods of time, leaving only vague instructions. Trying to keep the company stable, Abe notices strange patterns in the company records-anomalies in financial transactions, classified projects that are linked to unknown clients and encrypted communications that lead to dead ends. Abe would not knew that Umarak was his employer the whole time.

Kosuke Abe is played by Souta Matsumoto, a brilliant teen idol who appeared in many television shows aimed at kids and teens alike.


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